Tuesday 10 January 2012

The Final Lap

So, I get back to college for the start of my last semester.Now, the last semester for any engineer is paradise and for a hosteller its eternal bliss..and why?? 

1. Classes 2 hours a day and that leaves you with 22 hours of free time..
2. Breakfast ,lunch and dinner everyday irrespective of whether or not you do your daily chores like bathing and sometimes brushing too !!!
3.  No nagging. You don’t have to listen to “ Don’t sleep in the evening.Goddess Lakshmi will  deprive this home of wealth” ( Yes,I live in an orthodox family! )
4. Loads of free time leaves you with plenty to get drunk and get over the hangover so that you can go to class on time..if you ever  planned on doing so!
5. Well, the list can go and on and on; which shall essentially translate into anther numbered list of  “What I planned to do with this time”.. (Yes, I am a girl who is obsessed with numbered lists and I like striking them off one by one like a serial killer and his pre-planned victims.. :D)

 The top four that made it to my list titled “New-Sem Resolutions”..
1.Hit the Gym : Something I have put off for 3 years and will probably keep doing so!  But like every girl, I yearn for that oh-so- perfect legs which I plan to show off in Goa, which has earned a place on my list !

2. Eat more fruits and veggies and drink milk: As I am a picky eater, mom(Amma, as i fondly call her.. who to my great dismay.. graduated in Home Science..Which had like three subjects just on Nutrition) always had to force green veggies down my throat quoting different ailments of which I would be a victim of had I dared not to eat. I am sure my neighbours always heard me get beat up for pouring the milk down the drain. :D :D
Well, now I don’t stay at home anymore! So no more beating for me (yayy!!) But when you Google.. (Which I do very often for almost anything) stuff like. “How to have silky hair..Or beautiful skin”. There is always the line “EAT FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES”( I am becoming obsessed with looks..Probably a result of knowing that I’d be in the business world in a few months where girls/women are hot! )

3. Go Goa!! : A constant desperation to travel has led to frustration. Because I am the only girl in a gang of 8. And that stops me from going for night –stays. Not that I mind. I think they do! :D  Plus I have not had the chance to travel much. Because being a Andhrite automatically takes away the 10th, 11th and 12th stds of your life, and after 12th std you are made to visit temples to thanks various Gods. ( My sister and I were made to visit so many..that at one point of time..When we were woken up at 4 in the morning and taken to a really ancient temple..and the statues were so old that we did not know in that sleepy state whether to say “Om Namah Shivaya “ or “Namo Narayana”) Anyway coming back, Goa..With anyone willing to accompany me!!! And why Goa?? Because I am a beach-lover and a bo**e lover!! :D  A must-do.

4. Score a 10 : A 10.. That perfect score. No. Not my GPA. That’s beyond my wildest dreams! A 10 in a subject.. at least one subject.. I have not been able to manage that in all my 7 semesters. and I plan(I always did.. and it has failed :P ) on getting the AA which has been avoiding its presence in my grade card! !  I have very strongly decided to reject my degree on the day of my Convocation...saying “Sir, I don’t deserve it”, in case I don’t get the 10 !! (I am a bit of a drama queen you see!!!).

This was how I planned out my semester..But as you know life is full of surprises, you never know what might happen next. Maybe I’ll surprise myself by striking all of them off!!!!


  1. "I am the only girl in a gang of 8. And that stops me from going for night –stays. Not that I mind."

    Ab agli bar se natak nai karna "I hate you all..go enjoy the night without me when I am stuck here in a cage"

    Nice post. :) Hope you get AA this sem :)

  2. Nice post ... Hope u do the things in the list. :P :D

  3. very nice one ramya...hope u would achieve a 10 :) :D

  4. nice post...gud luck for ur new sem resolutions :)

  5. believe me when i say its not paradise, for the first time i'm thinking -what next ? ummm..i'm a bit disoriented..
    refreshing , ATB !
    keep blogging! :)
    cheers to resolutions and life !

  6. Do hit the gym before going to Goa, the not-so-perfect legs I saw there , not so picturesque to say the least. :P
    Also do write more. \m/
